Paper stuff in Japan is just… better? Receipts, gift paper, cash—it’s all really well done. I saved my receipts partly for bookkeeping and partly because they look so nice.
Same situation with Japanese scratch tickets, I discovered. They’re called Sukuracchi (like “scratch,” I think). I bought some, and I think they’re totally weird and adorable. The cat design? Single-tear emoji.
I'm into the mysteriousness and surprise elements of scratch tickets. Modern-day genie-in-a-bottle energy, I believe. Like, within this quirky slip of paper with a game on it potentially awaits a life-changing amount of money? Spooky and amazing at the same time. Also I tend to think a lot about “surprise” for my job, which, by the way, I’m not sure yet if I should mention on the internet. But yeah, I think about these kinds of things a lot: surprise, reveal, paper. In the toy world, the scratch ticket lottery concept is called “chase”—wanting to buy another one.
P.S. I’m shattered that I took these photos on a black background instead of a white one. May redo later. Here they are for now.